• »Base5« A Great Experience of Nature

»Base5« A Great Experience of Nature

With this type you can realize all your dreams of your own natural swimming pool: course of a brook, oozing stone, zones lushly overgrown by water plants – »Base5« is the design highlight of your garden – a little bit of holiday for every day.

»Specification of Base5«

  • Space requirements: 60 – 200 m²
  • Plant zone: 40 – 60 %
  • Swimming area: 40 – 60 %
  • Closeness to nature: most in harmony with nature

»Individual standard / time and effort«

  • Level of comfort: medium
  • Time and effort for maintenance: low
  • Care for plant zone

»Typical equipment components«

  • Cascade or water spout, resp.
  • Oozing stone
  • Fountain
  • Children’s splashing zone

»Implemented Base5 projects«

»Base5 Referenz« Kärnten
»Base5 Referenz« Südtirol
»Base5 Referenz« Baden-Württemberg
»Typ Base5«